Friday, January 11, 2019

Smutfic: Happy Birthday (Khad x Aleana)

Inspiration Song: Dead Girl Walking

The night sky twinkled brilliantly overhead as the group set up camp. Campfire crackling and nothing but sounds of nature around. Men and women began patrols and kept a look out as a handful tended to the fire. The brown haired hulk of a man sat on a log, probing the fire with a stick. His thoughts weighed heavily on his mind as he stared at the blaze. Quietly, a slightly smaller elven woman sat beside him. She slipped off her chainmail gauntlets and moved her hands towards the fire. She was shivering and her inky blue hair fell from her shoulder as she leaned forward. The man paused to look at her, taking her in. He had known her for sometime, and knew she was easily frightened.

"Wouldn't have thought you'd be out here." Khadorek spoke softly.

She continued to shiver, "Someone has to help track void signatures."

"Ah." Khad pursed his lips, peering back at the fire as his thoughts churned, before finally speaking, "So.. When's your birthday?"

The woman blinks, "Mine? Not until November twenty-seventh."

"I see." It was clear he wanted to speak more.

Aleana looked at him, "When is yours?"

"Today, actually." He muttered quietly.

"Oh!" Aleana's eyes went wide, "Happy Birthday!"

"Thanks." He glanced away from her.

"We should celebrate!" She offers a bright smile.

"Eh, it's nothing worth celebrating." Khad grumbled.

She shook her head, "Nonsense!"

Standing, she reached to tug on his rather large arms.

"Come on! Let's go!" She insisted.

He stood and let her drag him, "Where are we going?"

"Somewhere special!" She giggles as she leads him up a hill and out of sight of the camp.

He raised a brow at that.

Soon they made it to a hill and tree atop it. She points up at him to show it was blooming with flower buds.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Her smile was large as she looks at him.

"Quite." He stated, and for a moment felt clarity.

"Can I confess something to you?" Aleana asked quietly.

"Of course." Khad peered into her violet eyes.

"That first day we met.. I..." She began turning dark shades of purple.

"You?" He raised a brow once more.

"I.. wanted to kiss you." She was flushed dark purple.

He felt the blood rush to his face at her confession of affection. Thoughts whirled as the two stood there in awkward silence. With a fast beating of his heart, Khad reached a hand to freely brush her hair behind her ear before leaning in to plant his lips against hers. Her eyes went wide before reaching a hand to cup his cheek as her lids close to enjoy the kiss between the two of them. His muscular hands brushed her cheeks before gently gripping them to hold the kiss. Soon, as the moment continued to heat up, Aleana's slender arms draped over his shoulders as she reached up on her tiptoes.

Without further hesitation he soon found himself pushing her gently into the tree bark, their make out growing more intense before he finds his hands wandering her body and gripping the back of her knee and hooking it to his hip. The sound of pleasure arose from her throat as her fingers curled and gripped the back of his shirt. Soon Aleana found herself moving without much thought as her legs wrapped around his waist and a hand curled in his hair as he gripped her ass to hold her up. His hand curled in her hair as soft moans of their make out escaped both of them.

Soon the lust of anothers' affection had overcome the duo. With his brute strength, Khad had torn the woman's shirt off and in one swift movement, she had removed his. Layers of their clothes stripped in a matter of moments as their bare bodies graced each other for the first time. Soon their moans began to rise through the night air as they marked each other. Her nails trailing red marks down his back, his teeth mark leaving bruises on her neck and chest. Tongues playing with one another as moans are muffled by lips. The moon lighting their skins as sweat beaded down. Eventually they laid beneath the tree together, the cold no longer bothering either of them as they pant and catch their breaths.

With a smile as she shuddered from excess pleasure, she let out a purr of, "Happy Birthday."

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